Posted on March 18, 2019
Simple steps to spring clean your health
From blooming flowers to baby lambs, springtime is the season of new beginnings. So what better time to refresh your routine and adopt some new healthy habits? Follow these six simple steps to enjoy a happier, healthier lifestyle this spring.
1. Seasonal eating
Springtime marks the arrival of lots of delicious ingredients to bring to the kitchen. Visit markets and farm shops to introduce more fresh, local produce into your diet.
Picked at its freshest, seasonal produce has a higher nutritional content than food which is out of season. Adapting a seasonal diet will provide you with the widest variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants throughout the year.
After a winter of heavy and hearty meals, try lighter dishes like a salad of spring greens and cucumber. It’s rhubarb time too, perfect for crumbles, chutneys and even cocktails.
2. Bring the outside in
New plants will bring a splash of fresh colour to your home, and are an affordable choice when you want to quickly update your decor for spring.
Greenery may have some hidden health benefits too, as having plants around has been shown to help reduce stress and improve concentration. This makes plants the perfect choice to enhance both your living space and your wellbeing.
3. Be allergy aware
If cleaning and laundry products cause irritation for you or your family, try switching to natural and non-toxic products for this year’s spring clean. Store cupboard staples like bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and lemon juice can all be used to clean your home without chemicals.
For many, springtime marks the return of hay fever, as the pollen count begins to increase. Hay fever is an allergy most commonly caused by tree pollen in the spring, and grass pollen in the summer.
If hay fever prevents you enjoying springtime to the full, there are natural ways to relieve your symptoms. Our Wild Hayflower tablets contain a variety of meadow grasses and flowers which can be taken during pollen season.
4. Make spring cleaning a work out
Clearing, cleaning and organising your home can help you reach your fitness goals if you put in some proper elbow grease. Even hoovering the house can get your heart racing and count as extra exercise.
Get out into the garden to burn even more calories by mowing, weeding and planting. All that bending and lifting is like a mini work out, plus being outside is good for the mind too.
5. Try healthy swaps
If your food resolutions came unstuck during January and February, now’s the time to kick-start your healthy eating habits.
There are plenty of simple swaps you can make to improve your diet without compromising on flavour. Instead of seasoning your meals with salt, add a pinch of spice or garnish with fresh herbs for a healthier alternative. From paprika to parsley, you can create delicious dishes with no salt in sight.
Consider how you cook your food too. By trimming the fat from meat, using a light cooking spray rather than oil, and baking chips instead of frying them, you can make meals more healthy without giving up the foods you love.
6. Sleep well this springtime
When the clocks go forward, we lose an hour of sleep, and this can take time to adjust to. A good bedtime routine will set you up for a good night’s sleep, so you can wake up rested and ready for the day ahead.
Improve your bedtime routine by having a break from screens before sleeping, and wind down with a warm bath or chamomile tea. After a tiring day, take RelaxOn before bedtime, which also contains chamomile.