Posted on March 29, 2021
Seaford Health Store
Lifeplan’s Retailer of the Month – March 2021
Our retailer of the month for March is Seaford Health Store. Seaford Health Store are a family run health business based in Seaford, East Sussex. Started in 1988, Seaford Health Store have a vast knowledge of the health industry, offering a wide range of products including organic fruit and veg, natural cleaning products, supplements and much more, they have even been able to set up their own branded wholefoods range.
We recently spoke to Daniel who took over as the shop owner from his father around 4 years ago. Seaford Health Store have a large offering of products for customers of all ages. They have the know-how and experience to be able to provide the best service to their loyal customers. All the staff have grown up in the local and surrounding areas so they have a genuine connection to the area and the local people and want to offer them the best products and services they can. We asked Daniel what products are his customers asking for at the moment, he said “anything relating to immunity, we also have a lot of elderly customers so products for joints and bone health are common and do really well”.
Over the past year, Seaford Health Store have been able stay open and continue to provide their customers with the products they need. They set up a delivery system to get products to people who have been house bound over the past 12 months and put the measures in place to create a safe space for people to do their shopping. This has been a great outlet for the local area to offer local customers a place to get their essentials.
Lifeplan have had a great relationship with Seaford Health Store for more than 20 years and we feel like they are doing an amazing job to provide a great service to all their customers. We asked Daniel which of our products are working well for them, “the Turmeric Formula and Curcumin are great sellers for us”. It feels great for us to be able to a part of the process to help their customer get the products they want.
Daniel said his team have been working longer hours over the past 12 months so they can continue to offer their products to their customers. They have shown some fantastic dedication, not only this year but during their long history. We think they absolutely deserve to be our retailer of the month this month for all the great work they do.